A dishwasher is probably one of the most used domestic appliances in any household, completing multiple washes almost every single day. Whilst the dishwasher is a godsend for allowing us to go about our busy schedules without having touch a single gravy covered knife, over time they will exhibit signs of wear and tear. If you have experienced a fault with your dishwasher, you’ll be glad to know that in most cases an experienced dishwasher repairs engineer can fix any problem, saving you from forking out on a new appliance all together!

Village Domestic Supplies have been providing reliable dishwasher repairs service in Wythenshawe for over 30 years and have carried out countless Dishwasher repairs for hundreds of satisfied customers. Throughout this time we have successfully fixed a wide range of faults, problems and breakages. The most common breakage issues dealt by our repairs workshop are:

Dishes not coming out hot


Dishwasher repairs Wythenshawe

You may be opening your dishwasher door at the end of a wash to discover that the items in the basket are cold, not hot, squeaky clean and steaming. This can be frustrating as wet, cold dishes have to be hand dried before going back in the cupboard, a very fiddly task that could take a valuable half hour or so out of your day. More often than not, this issue is down to a problem with the machine’s heating element which if faulty, will not be able to adequately heat the water used in each wash. At Village Domestic, we replace worn heating elements on customers dishwashers regularly and combine high-quality workmanship with the best heating component hardware so that your dishwasher can operate as if it were brand new! If you are looking for dishwasher repairs Wythenshawe enquire with Village Domestic Supplies today!

Glasses covered in a white film


Nobody likes to open a freshly completed wash to see every item of glassware covered in a cloudy milky film. If this has happened to you then you’ll know that the only way to get these glasses clean is to wash them by hand, a long and inconvenient task. If you are experiencing this problem, the most probable explanation is a fault with the salt dispenser. The white deposit is dishwasher salt residue which has leaked from the salt dispenser usually due to a damaged seal or a badly fitting cap. In cases like these, the salt dispenser will usually need to be replaced by an engineer so you’ll need to seek out professional dishwasher repairs in Wythenshawe. Salt dispenser replacement is a common requirement from customers and we take extra care in securely fitting the most robust dispenser units.  

Dishwasher leaking


Leaking dishwashers are perhaps the most inconvenient fault, not only does your load not get washed correctly, but there is also the added mess of foaming Dishwasher water all over the kitchen floor. Nine times out of ten, the cause of a dishwasher leaking is due to a problem with the doors, more specifically the plastic seals that form an airtight bond when the door is shut. Over time, these plastic seals can degrade and perish due to food residue causing erosion over time. The repeated force of the door slamming can also greatly damage the seals especially if there are hard bits of food residue in between which can cause punctures. Door seal re-fits are best left to professional dishwasher engineers like as those at Village Domestic supplies who have extensive experience in tailoring the right size seal sets for your door. This job requires particular skill to make that the replacement sealing is perfectly aligned and airtight. If you have a leaking dishwasher, make sure you choose Village Domestic Supplies for the best dishwasher repairs in Wythenshawe.

Village Domestic Supplies are here to help you!

As a family run business, we come with 30 years of repairs expertise with a dedicated personal touch you won’t find anywhere else. If in the event your dishwasher is sadly beyond repair, we would be happy to show you our extensive showroom of top quality dishwasher brands and models. What’s more, if you see a particular dishwasher model for sale by another provider for cheaper, we’ll match their price!

For more information about repair rates visit https://www.villagedomesticsupplies.co.uk/p/appliance-repairs or call John or James on 07989 348 667.