There is a growing focus towards living a more environmentally friendly life and being more aware of how our daily tasks impact the planet. As we pay more attention to things like how much energy we are using, what food we eat and how what chemicals we use, the importance of energy efficient appliances has also skyrocketed with many buyers stating that low operating cost was a significant purchase influencing factor when looking for an appliance. Parallel to the rise in energy efficient appliances is also the popularity of eco-friendly detergents and fabric conditioners. The majority of all major supermarkets are now stocking brands like Attitude, Ecover and EcoZone which is a testament to the growing popularity of eco-friendly washing products.

Improving Health Of Aquatic Waterways



Many of the standard forms of detergent and fabric softener contain chemical ingredients like phosphorus and nitrogen which are harmful to aquatic life found in rivers and streams. Owing to the fact that so many people do laundry every day the impact this has on our natural water habitats is sizeable. Much like humans, aquatic creatures that occupy these habitats need a certain level of oxygen to survive.

When used detergent finds its’ way into the natural aquatic ecosystem the phosphorus and nitrogen elements within promote the growth of underwater plant life and algae at an astounding rate (phosphorous and nitrogen are the building blocks of plant fertiliser!). The plant life then depletes the water of all oxygen leaving the vital organisms like fish to asphyxiate. Most eco-friendly detergents do not use nitrogen or phosphorus and have been proven to have a friendly impact on the aquatic environment.  

Improving Our Own Health


Healthy yoga girl

Studies have suggested certain chemicals the feature regularly in most detergents like sodium laureth sulfate, dioxane, nonylphenol ethoxylate and phosphates can have potential long term hormonal effects on our bodies. It has been claimed that long term exposure to traces of chemical-heavy detergents in our clothes can disrupt our endocrine system and the important chemical hormone messages that our brain regulates causing illnesses such as depression, mood disorders, growth issues and cardiovascular disease. Most eco-friendly detergents tend to use natural ingredients in substitution of the above which eliminates repeated daily exposure to any harmful chemicals.  

Fewer Allergies


Blowing nose

Eco-friendly detergents are less likely to cause allergic reactions such as itchy inflamed skin, a runny nose or wheezing cough because they do not contain aggravates commonly found in conventional washing powders or fabric softeners. In order to effectively route out stains and stubborn particles of dirt, today’s fabric softeners use a mixture of bleaches, enzymes, emulsifiers and parabens to chemically displace them. For those with sensitive skin, these materials can cause irritation and other adverse effects. By using natural substitutes in favour of chemicals like nonylphenol ethoxylates, diethanolamine and petroleum distillates the likelihood of severe allergic reactions is reduced. An allergic reaction forces your immune system to work hard effectively kicking it into overdrive. In this kind of state, it will be less able to fight against illnesses and germs making you more likely to fall unwell.

Are you looking for a new washing machine? A great benefit of eco-detergent is that it works at cooler temperatures which saves having to spend money on those expensive high-temperature cycles! At Village Domestic Supplies we have a range of fantastic A+++ rated washing machines that when combined with eco-detergent, will have a positive impact on your family's health and the environment.

For more information visit our washing machine page and enquire either by phone or contact form!